A sports recovery massage focuses on active recovery for muscles and the body as a whole. This is particularly relevant for those undertaking regular or intense exercise, providing a range of benefits including:
Reducing inflammation
Promoting blood circulation
Improving lymphatic drainage (removing damaged cells and waste)
Removing knots and tightness
Reducing muscle soreness
Together, this works to improve the body’s ability to repair itself and boost muscle growth. So whether you’re aiming to build muscle, improve agility and mobility or boost your running pace, a recovery massage can help.
Massage shouldn’t be seen as a luxury, but a regular part of a fitness programme. Typically, we all put most of the focus on exercise, which breaks down muscle and causes physical stress while leaving the body little opportunity to repair and recover, making us prone to injury. A regular recovery massage provides that boost to the body to enable to it bear the changes and endurance you ask of it.
This type of massage will vary from person to person and situation to situation based on the needs of the person in that moment. Typically, the majority of the session will focus on those parts of the body taking on the bulk of any exercise or tension. For me, I have a massage focus mostly on my upper back and neck as I carry much of my tension there. But another person may be different. For runners, a session may be more leg focused.
The massage will typically be deeper and more pressure focused than a Relax & Unwind massage as we work to break up any knots and tightness. That doesn’t mean it needs to be painful! Every person is different and so the massage and technique will vary slightly to suit you.
Duration: 45 minutes
Price: £45.00