Privacy & Legal
Privacy is an essential right and something that we all have a responsibility to protect. This page sets out what personal information is collected and used when you interact with Mark The Masseur. If you have any questions, please use the Contact form.
What information is collected?
Only the minimum amount of information necessary is collected and used. When you complete a Contact Form or make a booking, your name and basic contact information will be collected in order to identify you and respond to your query or confirm / modify your booking.
Ahead of a massage or during the massage appointment, you may be asked to complete a Health Check Survey. The Health Check Survey is designed to collect information on any medical or health issues that would impact the your ability to receive a massage safely. This information is highly personal and considered “Special Category” in UK and European law, which means it requires additional protections and can only be collected in certain circumstances.
At your appointment, we may verbally discuss your massage and the responses from your Health Check Survey and some notes may be taken about the type of massage provided and any modifications to the massage that are necessary.
What is done with the information?
No personal information is collected and used unless it’s necessary. The basic contact and booking details are used to arrange, confirm and communicate with you about your booking or question. The responses you provide to the Health Check Survey are used to determine if any modifications to the planned massage are necessary to keep you safe.
How long is information kept for?
There are strict rules around keeping information. Every effort will be taken to remove any personal information as soon as possible but some information must be retained for certain periods in order to comply with other legislation such as tax and financial record keeping. If you would like more detail or would like to request your information is deleted sooner, please use the Contact form.
How to query, complain or find out more about Privacy
Please use the Contact form to raise any questions, complaints or concerns. UK Privacy law empowers individuals with certain rights to request access to, deletion of or amendment to (among others) their information. If you’d like any further detail or to make any of these requests, please use the Contact form.
Alternatively, you can find out more from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at You can also raise a concern directly with the ICO.